The webpage is property of Siroko Surf Center Gijón S.L.. All of its contents, except names, registered brands and trademarks owned by other companies, are property of the company and are protected by corresponding intellectual property regulations.
Siroko Surf Center Gijón S.L. has its home in Emilio Tuya 10 Street – 33202 – Gijón, ASTURIAS, Spain. With Registration Number: ESB33922840
The company’s service providers of the information which provide links to other contents or include content search directories in their contents, will not be responsible for the information directed to the recipients of their services, as long as they do not have knowledge that the activity performed is illicit, or if they do have knowledge, to act with diligence to suppress or disable the link.
Telecommunications network operators and access providers to a telecommunications network which provide mediation service consisting of transmitting through a network of data obtained by the recipient of the service or provide access to it, will not be responsible for the information transmitted, unless they themselves have originated the transmission, modified the data or selected them for the recipients of said data.
Providers of a mediation service consisting of harbouring data provided by the recipient of the service will not be responsible for the information stored at the request of the recipient as long as they do not have effective knowledge that the activity or information is illicit, or if they do have knowledge, they will act with diligence to remove the data or make access to the data impossible.
Commercial communications and promotional offers will be governed by the LSSI as well as by the applicable law pertaining to publicity and advertising. And, in any case, the Organic Law 15/1999 on Protection of Data of personal character will be applied, along with its development regulations, especially in matters dealing with the obtaining of personal data, the information to the recipients and the creation and maintenance of personal data files.
The entity is not responsible for damages caused in the information systems of page users by unintentional causes, nor for damages produced by the existence of computer and internet viruses.
In the case of resolving any controversy which comes up regarding the interpretation of or compliance with current regulations, it will go to the jurisdiction of Courts and Tribunals in Asturias-